Sabine Loos, Director, Messe Dortmund
Christine Zimmermann-Loessl, Chairwoman Association for Vertical Farming e.V.
“Resilient food cities – growing food from within” by Karen Fabbri, European Commission, Healthy Planet Directorate, DG Research and Innovation
"Doughnut Economy - Thinking like twenty-first century economists" by Erinch Sahan Business & Enterprise Lead, Doughnut Economics Action Lab (DEAL)
“Growing a million trees in Vertical Farming by Ali Amirlatifi, CEO Evergreen Oy
"Understanding the Advances in Plant Factories" Eri Hayashi, President Japanese Plant Factory Association
Moderator: Prof. Silvana Nicola, University of Turin
Panelists: Ard van de Kreeke, Jasper den Besten, Roland Siers, Alessandro Olivieri
Moderator: Jasper den Besten
Panelists: Chiara Tenconi Planet Farms, Madar Godge GRAIN, Alberto Campanaro, Zayndu
Workshop Room 1
Moderatoren: Dr. Heidi Heuberger, Dr. Nicole Armbrüster
Exploring and discussing how Vertical Farming can contribute to plant production for new products for food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics.
World Cafe - We try to answer 3 questions focusing on the best framework and bottlenecks and how Vertical Farming offers solutions.
Which plants have potential for VF and can we categories them?
Which benefits or challenges does continuously fresh produce has for the processing industry?
University of Applied Sciences Weihenstephan, Association for Pharmaceutical Industry, Bavarian Institute for Horticulture
"Vertical Farming as Innovation Trigger for Processing Herbal Raw Materials" by Prof. Dr. Strube, TU Clausthal,
"Market Potentials & Challenges in the Food, Pharmaceutical & Cosmetics Industries" by Dr. Urs Fischer, Managing Director Pharmaplant
"Potentials of Producing High-Value Products in Vertical Farming" by Applied Science Centre for Smart Indoor Farming, Ivonne Jüttner, HSWT
Workshop Room 2
Experts from Investment and Finance discuss how they decide on their investment in vertical farming and what they need from the companies they want to invest in and partner with.
Annette Schoemmel, Xanadu Alpha
Horst Fickel. IBE Solution GmbH
Thomas Williams, CEO Baaz Global
Alberto Campanaro, CEO Zayndu
Galen Zhou, SananBio, China
Time to ask your Questions
Dr. Mandar Godge, CEO GRAIN, Singapore
Roland Sier, Nutrient Service, Cyprus
Speaker to be announced
Marc Juarez, Innovation Manager, Seoul Semiconductor
Robin Vincent, CEO Canobi, Canada
Endre Harnes, COO Avisomo
Rob van Straten, CEO Skytree
Roundtable - Workshop Room 2
Ralph Becker, CEO UrbanGreens
Ard van de Kreek, CEO Growy
Thomas Williams, CEO Baaz Global
Alessandro Olivieri,CEO igrox
Roundtable - Workshop Room 1
Introducing SIF certification and discussing the first results.
Prof. Joel Cuello,Vice Chair AVF
Alessandro Olivieri, Kilometroverde
Prof. Joel Cuello Vice Chair AVF , University of Arizona
Presentation - Keynote Introduction of global trends in UA, by FAO Jia Ni
Cities best practices and challenges for urban agriculture implementation: Milano, Madrid, Atlanta, Hamburg& Region of Baltic Sea
Balance Phala ,Food Systems Officer, Global Projects, ICLEI, Eva Keretic CEO Founder FFC, Kerry Babb CEO Paradise Group for Sustainable Development , Peter Wogenstein Ernährungsrat Niedersachsen,
Millan Berzosa, Board Member Isifarmer/Innovation Hub Madrid
Can we consider Cities as "Smart" without having Smart Agriculture (Urban Vertical Farms)?
Kerry Babb, Founder & CEO Paradise Group for Sustainable Development
Roundtable - Discussing Projects and Solutions
Meet with city planners who need solutions for urban agriculture projects, introduce your project and find partners!
International conference in conjunction with VertiFarm trade fair for indoor/vertical farming and new food systems
Messe Dortmund
Strobelallee 45
44139 Germany
Wed, 26 Sep 2023 –
Thu, 27 Sep 2023